Thursday, August 12, 2010

Worth having a read provides some great tips and helpful information how to get a deposit together, create a credit rating and much more.
"We paid off our 3 bedroom brick home on modest wages when interest rates had hit 17%! This book explains how you can do it too or save thousands in the process. Dog food recipies, alcohol recipes and gardening tips included."

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Fantastic idea small loans to women in poor countries

The Grameem Foundation provides poor communities with access to capital to make micro-loans to women who are working to develop or expand a small business. In many of the poorest countries micro businesses are the only way for families to escape poverty and give their children the opportunity to go to school.

As clients repay their micro-loans, the funds are recycled into new loans, multiplying the number of poor people who can begin their journey out of poverty.

Fantastic concept

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Contract of Sale - choose the right wording to protect yourself from unforeseen expenses

When buying a new property in the excitement of having your offer accepted, there is the potential for not including wording in the contract to save yourself unforeseen expenses.

Have you had a chance before signing to check everything works at the property?

The Joint Form of General Conditions at settlement only requires the seller to hand over the property in the same condition when the offer was accepted.

You could end up paying a tradesman to complete repairs after settlement i.e. stove ignition not working, toilet leaking?!

By adding wording to the contract 'All electrical, gas and plumbing to be in good working order at settlement'.

The wording will give you the opportunity to go through the property 7 days before settlement to pick up any issues. You can then request the seller make repairs before you settle. Alternatively if you do not wish to delay settlement you can obtain quotes to negotiate for funds to be held for repairs after settlement